Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Creating Religion

I've been turning over and over in my head the stuff I've been reading about quantum physics and the Intention Experiment, and the more I do so, the more I realize how close we really are to a shift in consciousness for the human race. No, maybe even more than that - we're close to another phase in the evolution for the human race.

The thought of creating religion is a relatively new - and controversial - one, calling to mind mental pictures of spooky cults in suburban houses drinking poisoned wine. But if we were to take a step back, we would all realize that ALL religions were, in fact, created.

This is not to say that man created God (and by God I mean the universal consciousness that binds us all together at the quantum level), but rather that man created the trappings in which God appears. From Jehovah to Allah to Dionysis, God has many outfits to don...but maybe it's time to design a new one.

If we were to apply the basics of Noetic Science to our new religion, the most revered tenets would likely be as follows:

1. We are all interconnected at our nethermost being; we affect each other with every breath and every choice.

2. Our thoughts have mass and can create change in the physical world with proper focus and strong intention, as demonstrated by Gary Schwartz, Masaru Emoto and Lynne McTaggart.

3. Therefore, what we think about ourselves affects our bodies and the bodies of the whole. Thinking loving, uplifting thoughts about ourselves, our bodies, will elevate everyone else if intention is focused properly.

We now have tenets that are free from dogma because we now understand that the only "sin" one can commit is to be unloving to oneself, because not loving yourself equals not loving the world.

This is far from a prophecy, just a hope or an idea. But what if 2012 heralds not the end of the world, but a passage into a new realm of consciousness? What if we could become Vulcan or Alderaan or any other famous planets and societies with ancient wisdom, "supernatural" abilities and peaceful inhabitants?

In other words, what if Planet Earth finally GROWS UP?

Let's see if it happens...I know I'll be watching, waiting, and intending.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rousing the Wolf

We are on the precipice of losing our rights as individuals in this society, and most of us are cheering it on.

As the new decade shifts into second gear, the old arguments against marriage equality have been trotted out over and over again, and they still make no sense to the logical mind. People are hiding behind their religious zealotry and ideology to try and deny the gay community the rights affirmed to them by the Constitution of the United States. It's ridiculous that people will scream shrilly, "Gay marriage isn't written in the Constitution! It's not a Constitutional right!"

*eye roll*

This shouldn't be so difficult to get across, but it appears the lack of adequate education in this country has rendered logical thought processing impossible for a huge percentage of the population. People, listen to me: it doesn't have to be specifically written in the Constitution for it to be a Constitutional right.

There is an implicit understanding amongst most people that despite what is literally read in the text of the Constitution, there is a deeper meaning to every section, article and amendment - to wit, you have the right to do whatever you want to do, so long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process. Here's an example: you can oppose gay marriage all you want, but you can't tell someone else they can't marry the person they want to marry. Your rights end at your fingertips.

This is the important factor: this whole thing is not about gay marriage. Well, it is, but on an abstract level. The true principle at stake is this: our personal lives can be intruded upon by a bullying majority. Once we cross that bridge, there's no coming back from it. Our personal lives are not up to a vote. If I want to marry a man, it's my business, not Maggie Gallagher's, not whatshername from the Miss California pageant, not Pat Robertson. The fact that the majority of people in my homestate of Florida and in California have no problem bullying other people into acquiescing to their philosophy (all while accusing us of bullying them) is a scary one.

I am calling this blog of mine the Big Bad Wolf as an answer to the old question, "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?", because I want people to know that they should be afraid. They should be afraid of us, those of us who challenge the heteronormative standard, those of us who believe that true freedom means we do what we want without hurting anyone else, and if you don't like it, you don't do it yourself. All our lives we've been told that freedom and responsibility go hand in hand, and this is what that means: you don't believe in gay marriage, you don't get one, but you keep your mouth shut if your next door neighbor does, indeed, marry someone of the same sex.

It is time to rouse the Wolf. The Children of the Wolf are sick and tired of the bullying. We are sick and tired of being told that we must limit government by people who only want government limited so that the church can take over the vacant spots.

It is time to awaken and speak out. Peacefully, of course, but without fear or trepidation. We can educate and enlighten and be forceful all at the same time.

Join the pack with me, the Bad Wolf (watch Doctor Who if you don't get that reference), and let's get the revolution started.