Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Creating Religion

I've been turning over and over in my head the stuff I've been reading about quantum physics and the Intention Experiment, and the more I do so, the more I realize how close we really are to a shift in consciousness for the human race. No, maybe even more than that - we're close to another phase in the evolution for the human race.

The thought of creating religion is a relatively new - and controversial - one, calling to mind mental pictures of spooky cults in suburban houses drinking poisoned wine. But if we were to take a step back, we would all realize that ALL religions were, in fact, created.

This is not to say that man created God (and by God I mean the universal consciousness that binds us all together at the quantum level), but rather that man created the trappings in which God appears. From Jehovah to Allah to Dionysis, God has many outfits to don...but maybe it's time to design a new one.

If we were to apply the basics of Noetic Science to our new religion, the most revered tenets would likely be as follows:

1. We are all interconnected at our nethermost being; we affect each other with every breath and every choice.

2. Our thoughts have mass and can create change in the physical world with proper focus and strong intention, as demonstrated by Gary Schwartz, Masaru Emoto and Lynne McTaggart.

3. Therefore, what we think about ourselves affects our bodies and the bodies of the whole. Thinking loving, uplifting thoughts about ourselves, our bodies, will elevate everyone else if intention is focused properly.

We now have tenets that are free from dogma because we now understand that the only "sin" one can commit is to be unloving to oneself, because not loving yourself equals not loving the world.

This is far from a prophecy, just a hope or an idea. But what if 2012 heralds not the end of the world, but a passage into a new realm of consciousness? What if we could become Vulcan or Alderaan or any other famous planets and societies with ancient wisdom, "supernatural" abilities and peaceful inhabitants?

In other words, what if Planet Earth finally GROWS UP?

Let's see if it happens...I know I'll be watching, waiting, and intending.

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