Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Unpalatable Truths

It's day 3 of my new discipline (I say discipline instead of diet because I'm attempting to change more than my weight) and though it's been rather difficult, I think I'm on the hump if I'm not over it.

Today I have a closing shift, meaning I won't get home until around one in the morning. That's alright, however, because I can stick to my diet here in the house and then have just a hot dog without a bun tonight with a cup of diet soda.

How glamorous.

It's worth it, however, because congruously I'm developing my meditative ability and shifting my thought processes.

On that subject, last night my parents sat with me to watch "What the (Bleep!) Do We Know", one of my favorite films and certainly a life changing experience. My parents, devout Christians, appreciated the science but all in all they felt the film was an attempt to hypnotize and sway "weak-minded people".

Ordinarily, I'd lash out at them for being close-minded, but last night I just felt like, "Oh, well," and let it go. Some people do not want to hear it. Some truths just are difficult to swallow, especially when you're entrenched in religion.

It's a lot like the gay marriage issue; no matter how scientifically sound the research or how popular the poll, some people just can't let go of their religious roots.

Ah well.

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